It is with IMMENSE pleasure and excitement that I am announcing my next project, “Binding Light”

What is Binding Light, you may ask? It will be a turn-based RPG game set in a medieval fantasy world full of spirits. Our heroes of the story, Krystal, Kayla, Luca, and Shelby, are known as “Bearers of Light” and possess the power of spirits within them.
Our development with this project is just beginning, though much writing and design has been done behind-the-scenes for the last couple years! As of right now, I will not be kickstarting or funding the project directly; To be completely honest it’s such a huge field and there’s going to be a lot to learn. The obstacles may be plentiful, but we know it will come together in the end. So please, do join in on the journey, and follow us alongside our spirit companions~