Hey all! Recently I’ve been working a ton with Blender to learn it from scratch, and I finally have something to show for it!
Here are some previews of just that- A model for Krystal! She’s fully modeled, retopologized, rigged, and animated! While her animations may be a little stiff and rough, they will make do for the time being while I work on implementation into Unity.
Speaking of- I have done so already! She’s imported into Unity with her animations and everything, and works well! Of course she still needs some tweaks here and there, but she works! All my patrons are able to see an early preview of that~
I plan next update to have a better preview of refined gameplay & mechanics, so please do stay tuned to see her in-game, as well as with updated movement~
Author: totallyfox
Hey y’all! I’ve been picking at the basics of the game, and so far it’s going good! It’s gonna look very bare-bones ofc, but before I do anything bigger with the project, I of course want to make sure I can implement the core features.
This lil recording showcases the basic overworld movement that’ll be available to the player (Colors represent myself, Kayla, Luca, and Shelby). Each of us have our own ability; Dash, double jump, hover, and blink. You’ll be able to switch between each of us with a simple button press~
Other than that, there’s basic camera functions to prevent it getting stuck in walls, slope limits for walking, and a way to auto-walk up steps. Just lil things I think will make it more smooth to navigate ^^
I plan to take on implementing the basics of the battle system next, which may take longer to update y’all on. But I shall continue work and update y’all when I can <33
As well, we have a map for the world of Binding Light!

“Kyria Terra”
-The Land of Spirits-
Kyria is a place home to several settlements, and partially ruled by the princess of Mystrall Castle. The land cares for a diverse group of creatures, both small and large, and is also known for having the most sightings of spirits among the mortal realm. From the several temples across the land, to the views from the highest mountaintops, there’s plenty to explore~
I have marked a few things for you guys to take a look at, but some will be revealed over time~
If you have a keen eye with my art, you may be able to match up a couple of the listed locations even c;
It is with IMMENSE pleasure and excitement that I am announcing my next project, “Binding Light”

What is Binding Light, you may ask? It will be a turn-based RPG game set in a medieval fantasy world full of spirits. Our heroes of the story, Krystal, Kayla, Luca, and Shelby, are known as “Bearers of Light” and possess the power of spirits within them.
Our development with this project is just beginning, though much writing and design has been done behind-the-scenes for the last couple years! As of right now, I will not be kickstarting or funding the project directly; To be completely honest it’s such a huge field and there’s going to be a lot to learn. The obstacles may be plentiful, but we know it will come together in the end. So please, do join in on the journey, and follow us alongside our spirit companions~
Hey y’all! With the conclusion of “Flair & Bea”, I’m interested in your thoughts! If you’d take the time to fill out the following survey, I’d really appreciate it <3
PLUS, if you include your Twitter(X) handle/Discord username, you’ll be entered to with a sketch piece from me!
Now that “Flair & Bea” is fully complete, I will be taking a short break lasting just into early January. Sometime within the month of January, I will make the announcement of my next project, and begin working on that!
All I will say about it as of right now, is it’s not “Flair & Bea” related, not another comic, and it’s a VERY big project. I hope you all look forward to it as much as I do <3
I’m extremely pleased to announce that my webcomic, “Flair & Bea” has now come to a close and been given a proper ending. Please do check it out in its entirety if you’re interested <3
Chapter 3 – Pages 34-37 are now publicly released! Patrons will have access to SIX new pages tomorrow night (38-43).
Been working really hard on getting these out for y’all, I hope you enjoy it. December tends to be a work-crunch month for me normally, but I’m pushing through!
Chapter 3 – Pages 31-33 are now publicly released! Stay tuned for the public release of pages 34-37 next update~
Gotta see how multiple posts look, of course! They do say a trial of one is basically pointless, so here we are <3
Doing lots of ‘behind the scenes’ work right now, and this is a testing post for updates here! Trying to get an idea for how they look <3